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Duration8 weeks
ServicesBrand identityWebsite designWebsite development

Our goal was to refresh the company's brand identity and translate its new visual values into a brand new website.

Yordex is a financial service and no-code software that allows to manage multiple payouts. It’s a card issuing and payouts platform for any organisation with multiple beneficiaries, sites or suppliers. From FinTech companies and platforms to government agencies and nonprofits, Yordex helps organisations across numerous industries streamline their payouts.

An important part of any brand that's presented digitally – is its social media profiles. We take care of this part a lot and of course, we helped Yordex with that.

Embedding payments has many benefits but building own apps, admin & support portal and compliance processes, takes months or years and can cost a fortune.

We have balanced a serious look and feel and friendliness to convey the professional vibe of the company, yet keeping it close to the people.


Industry recognitionBehance Stock Gallery
Vlad MiguliaMaria BrilkovaVioletta MartinovaDima Miro

The quality of their work and the overall turnaround were impressive. We were very happy with the result.